2019年中考英语语法专项训练——专题六 连词 - 河南中考服务平台


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试卷: 2019年中考英语语法专项训练——专题六 连词

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2019年中考英语语法专项训专题 连词

(     ) 1. ——I'm worried about my school grades.What's your advice?

——You shouldn't wait _ the last minute to study for a test.

A. although            B. until         C. but               D. if

(      ) 2. Don't offer the runners water or any help     they ask for it.

A. while                B. if            C. though            D. unless

(      ) 3. ——Alice,how do your parents like pop music?

——         my dad       my mom like it. They often listen to pop songs on their phones.

A. Either; or                            B. Neither; nor

C. Not only; but also                    D. Both; and

(      )4. Read it aloud          the whole class can hear you clearly.

A. so that                               B. if

C. when                                D. although

(      ) 5.——Don't be a phubber(低头族).Technology helps us a lot         we shouldn't allow it to control our lives.

——We should take more activities outside to keep healthy.

A. but                                   B. because

C. unless                                D. until

 (     ) 6. ——Be careful,         you will make mistakes in your exams.

—— I know that,Mum. One can never be too careful.

A. and              B. or             C. nor                  D. but

(      ) 7. I was about to leave the office      the telephone rang.

A. when            B. after            C. before             D. while

(      ) 8.           it's difficult to make her dream come true,she never gives up.

A. Though          B. Unless           C. Because            D. If

(      )9. Helping others whenever you can          you'll make the world a nicer place to live.


A. and              B. but              C. or               D. unless

(     )10. A true friend can see the pain in your eyes      everyone else believes the smile on your face.

A. while              B. because         C. before           D. until