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试卷: 2018年中考英语模拟试题(一)

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     )1. How often does Jack's sister drink milk?

       A. Every day       B. Four times a week        C. Four times a month

     )2. Who is looking for Lucy?

         A. Linda          B. Sue                      C. Tom

     )3. Where does Lily's daughter for the holiday?

        A. London         B. Paris                     C. Beijing

     )4. What does the mother want her son to buy?

        A. Some apples and oranges

        B. Some apples and orange juice

        C. Some apple juice and oranges

     )5. Where are the man's old shoes?

        A. Under the chair    B. Outside the house       C. In the room




     )6. What is Fred going to the United States for?

        A. Traveling          B. Studies                C. Visiting his parents.

     )7. How will Fred and Lily keep in touch with each other?

        A. By writing letters    B. By making phone calls    C. By chatting online

_ueditor_page_break_tag_       听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。

     )8. Where are the two speakers?

        A. In a hospital  B In a restaurant  C. In a fruit shop

     )9.What is the man allowed to eat according to the doctor?

        A.Something with sugar and fruit

        B. Fruit, some meat and vegetable salad

        C .Candies and some meat between meals


     )10. Why will only go to Sam's house?

        A. Because he will help Sam with physics.

        B. Because he will go to a math class with Sam

        C. Because he will play computer games with Sam

     )11. How long will Tony stay at Sam's house?

        A. Half an hour         B .One hour         C. Two hours

     )12. What is Tony's favorite food?

        A.Beef sandwiches      B. Vegetable sandwiches         C. Chicken sandwiches


     )13. What does the mother always worry about?

        A. Her children watch TV too much

        B. Her children copy others' homework

        C. Her children read books too much at home

     )14. What does the mother think is important for her children to do?

        A .To watch TV more        B. To do eye exercises       C. To read some books

     )15. What has the mother  decided  to do?

        A. To sell the TV set   B. To buy more books     C. To talk with her children.

