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题型:完形填空 难度:适中 更新:2019/1/21 10:34:43


Growing Happiness

Once there lived a postman in a small village. The man, who started his job at the age of 20, delivered(递送)all kinds of   36   to the villagers' houses. He had to spend about two hours covering the long distance of about 50 kilometers. Twenty years flew by, so many changes   37   ,but the road from the post office to the village always hadn't had any trees or flowers   38    the flying dust.

“How long shall I go along this deserted road?”

As soon as he thought he had to spend his life   39   the bike on the dusty road with no flower or trees, he felt somewhat sorry.

One day  40   he finished delivering the letters and was ready to return worriedly, he happened to pass by a flower shop. "Right, that's it! "He walked into the shop, bought a handful of flower seeds,and  41  the next day, he scattered(播撒) different kinds of seeds along the roadside.Thus, after one day, two days, three days ... he   42   kept scattering the flower seeds.

Before long, on both sides of the   43   road ,along which he had come and gone for 20 years,a lot of little flowers bloomed(花开), in full bloom in four   44 .

For the villagers, the seeds and the sweet smell were more   45   than any mail the postman delivered in all his life.

On the road without dust but full of flowers, the postman whistled and rode his bike, feeling happy all the way.

     )36. A. letters           B. greetings             C .speeches                D. notes

     )37. A. took away    B. took place            C.made progress       D. made out

     )38. A. or                 B.so                          C. but                         D. and

     )39. A. riding           B. repairing              C. finding                   D. making

     )40.A.until               B. since                     C. after                       D. before

     )41.A.to                   B. by                         C. in                           D. from

     )42. A sometimes   B. never                    C. seldom                   D. always

     )43. A. lonely           B. dark                     C. crowded                D. clean

     )44. A days              B. months                C. seasons                  D. years

     )45.A suitable          B. pleasant               C. cheerful                 D. familiar




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