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题型:阅读理解 难度:适中 更新:2019/1/21 10:34:43


Good health is one of the important things in the world.   61   Nobody can give it to you as a present. But to have a good health, there are many things you can do. You can do the following things every day.

The food you eat in the morning is important.  62   It keeps your body from getting tired as you work and play.

All morning long, you are busy at school or work, By lunch time, your body begins to get tired. Your body is telling you that it needs more food.

At lunch and every meal, it's a good idea to eat different kinds of foods.  63 Beans, peas,and fish help you grow. Carrots, corn, and potatoes give your body energy.

After a good lunch, you can play again without getting tired. Playing is good exercise, and you body needs exercise.

Exercise makes your bones and muscles get stronger

64    You can skip rope or do push-ups. You can play games. You can get lots of exercise in games like tag(儿童捉人游戏), baseball, and basketball.

At the end of the day, just before going to bed, it's important to brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth keeps them clean and healthy.   65  

Sometimes, even when you eat good food, exercise, and brush your teeth, you may still get sick or have a toothache. Then, it's important to see a doctor or a dentist, With their help and the things you do every day, you can make every day a healthy day.


A. There are many ways to exercise

B. You can't go to a store and buy it

C. Milk gives you hard teeth and bones

D. It also helps keep you from getting toothaches

E. Eating a good breakfast helps you get ready for the day

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