2019年中考英语语法专项训练——专题五 介词 - 河南中考服务平台


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2019年中考英语语法专项训专题  介词

(     ) 1. Everyone is born       the ability       learn.

A. into; to                   B. with; to

C. on;in                     D. with; by

(     ) 2. Father brought his little boy to a concert.But he is too young to sit          the whole concert.

A. for          B. with          C. during          D. through

(     )3. When I walked       the south side of the square,I happened to meet our English teacher.

A.across         B.around          C.through          D.along

(     )4. We won! The honor belongs       all the member of our team.

A.by             B.of               C. to               D. at

(     )5. They arrived at the airport of Huang Quan Park     the morning of June 7th.

A in              B; hat              C. by              D. on

(     )6.——You've been here    a month Don't you miss your parents?

——Yes,I plan to come back home     a month.

A.  in; in         B.  for ; in         C. for; after        D. after; after

(     )7. The old man often gets        there at six by bike.

A. to                B. for                C. /                D. on

(     )8. She sold her gold medal to buy a big house,though it was      her wish.

A. for              B. on             C. toward            D. against

(     ) 9. It is careless      him to lose his wallet again.I think it necessary      him to be more careful next time.

A. of; to             B. of; for           C. for; or           D. for; to

(       )10.——When did the accident happen?

——It happened        9:15        the morning of April 1st2018.

A.on ; in           B.at; in             C. at; on             D. on; on

(     )11. The United States is      the south of Canada and    the east of Japan.


A. Toin           B. on; to           C. in; besides        D. at; on

(      )12.——How soon will your parents come back from London?

——         about two weeks.

A. In                B. After             C. At              D. For

(      )13. They arrived         Shanghai        the night of April 2.

A. in;in              B. in; on             C. at; on            D. at;in

(      )14. Everyone wants to win. But         me,the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.

A. as for         B. thanks to       C. instead of         D. such as

(     ) 15.——What would you like        your afternoon tea?

——Just a cup of coffee        some sugar and milk.

A. of; with         B. of; without       C. for; with       D. for; without